Online Therapy For Anxious Women In Charlotte and Across NC, MS, FL and the Psypact States

Mom Life Got You Feeling Overwhelmed? You’re Not Alone

You are definitely not a bad mom, and you are surely not failing – but man, it sure feels like it some days, doesn’t it? Maybe you find yourself snapping at your kids or your partner more than you’d like. Maybe you feel super guilty about it right after? Or, perhaps you’ve caught yourself thinking “Why am I so crabby all the time?” It feels like you are juggling a million things at once – work, kids, life – and that to do list is never ending. By the time evening rolls around, you feel like you are running on fumes. Instead of relaxing and enjoying quality time with your family, you’re drained, irritable, and far from the mom and partner you want to be. You feel like you’re failing the people you love most. Even worse, you’re wondering if they feel like it’s their fault.

But deep down, you know it isn’t. You’re trying your best, juggling responsibilities left and right, and yet…it still feels like too much. You know “This isn’t the mom or the person I want to be.”

But here’s the truth: It doesn’t have to be this way!

Ugh…Why Don’t They Listen?!

You’ve probably asked yourself this a million times: “Why don’t my kids just listen?” Whether they’re ignoring you, pushing back on simple tasks, or acting out, it feels like no matter how patient you try to be, they just aren’t hearing you. And the more you have to repeat yourself, the more frustrated you get. You find yourself raising your voice, snapping quicker than you’d like, and before you know it, you’re feeling guilty all over again. It’s draining, right?

But it doesn’t have to feel this way forever.

The Pressure Is Real, But So Is The Way Forward

What if you could get through your day without feeling like you’re drowning under a mountain of expectations? What if you could show up for your family feeling calm and present, instead of grumpy and exhausted. What if you could learn other tools so that the kids would do what you’ve asked?

Right now, you’re feeling overwhelmed, and that’s okay – but, it’s also a big flashing sign that something needs to change. I’m here to tell you IT CAN CHANGE. Therapy isn’t a place just to vent your frustrations; it is where we can work together to give you really tools to manage the overwhelm, reduce the irritability, and help you reconnect with the mom (and person) you truly are. What if I told you that together we can help you be the calm, confident version of yourself that feels in control, even when life throws curveballs?

Would you believe me?

Feeling Stretched Too Thin? You’re Not Alone

Whether you balance the household, a demanding job, or just trying to stay afloat, it’s easy to lose yourself in the constant chaos. You’re responsible for everything – and no one seems to notice just how heavy that weight is until you’re on the verge of snapping. But I’m here to help you, you don’t have to carry all of this alone.

Therapy can give you a much needed space to breathe, a place to feel seen and understood, and practical ways to take back control.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You’re carrying it all: The responsibilities, the stress, the expectations – it feels like it’s all on you, and it is wearing you down.
  • You feel like you are failing: Despite working so hard to keep it all together, it feels like you are coming up short all over the place.
  • Your patience is gone: Lately, you’ve been snapping a your family, and afterward, you feel terrible. And UGH, the guilt…
  • You don’t recognize yourself: The confident, capable version of yourself feels like it is completely out the window.
  • You’re stuck in a cycle: Wake up, power through the day, feel drained, collapse into bed, wash…rinse…repeat.

 Is it just me, or is being a mom this hard for everyone?

If this stuff sounds familiar, you’re in the right place. It is important to know that you’re not alone. And even more importantly, there is a way out.

Therapy can help you replace that self-doubt with self-confidence, find tools to handle your stress, and let go of the constant guilt and frustration.

Imagine This Instead…

Imagine waking up in the morning and knowing you’ve got this.

What if you knew you could get through your day with more ease? Perhaps it would be nice to know that you could spend time with your family without feeling like you are constantly on the edge of frustration? Picture moments with your family that are filled with connection and patience where you feel less likely to snap or lose cool. You’d get to enjoy those moments again instead of feeling like you always waiting on the next meltdown – yours or theirs.

You’re not a “crap mom” and it’s time to stop feeling like one.

Why Work With Me?

I get it. I know what it’s like to juggle a million different things and still feel like you’re not doing enough. As a therapist (and a mom, myself), I understand the pressures of parenting and the overwhelm that comes with it. I’m not here to judge you – I’m here to help you. Therapy with me is about more than just venting (though, we’ll do that too, don’t worry!). It’s about making real changes. We’ll figure out what’s behind the stress and irritability, tackle the self-doubt, and create strategies to help you feel more like the mom, partner, and person you want to be.

Here’s how I’ll help you:

  • Practical tools, tailored to your life: We will develop real-world strategies that fit into your life, so you can start feeling more in control without adding more stress.
  • Get to the root of the overwhelm: We’ll dig into what truly behind your exhaustion and irritability, which will allow you to figure out your triggers and patterns.
  • Reclaim your confidence: I’ll guide you through steps to build your confidence, so you can start feeling good about the decisions you make.

You’re Not a Failure – You’re Doing Your Best. Now Let Me Help You Do Even Better

You’re not here because of weakness. Rather, you’re here because you are strong enough to want more for yourself and your family. Together, we’ll create a path that feels doable and sustainable, and where you will feel like the best version of yourself – not just for your family, but for you.

Don’t wait until it feels like things are completely out of control…let’s get started now!

Take The Next Step

Ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling like yourself again? You don’t have to wait until you are at your breaking point to get help.

Let’s take that first step together now.

Schedule a free consultation and let’s see if we’re a good fit. Together, we can create real change – you don’t have to navigate this alone.