Dr. Leah

Piggy bank with scattered coins, representing the benefits of paying out of pocket for mental health services to avoid insurance limitations and to increase flexibility in care

Why Private Pay? The Benefits of Choosing a Private Pay Therapist

Finding the right provider for your mental health needs is incredibly important. You want someone who really understands you. When you read their website information or you talk to them, you want to think to yourself “Wow, they totally get me.” You find a provider that could be your perfect match, but what a bummer, […]

Why Private Pay? The Benefits of Choosing a Private Pay Therapist Read More »

A stressed woman sitting at her desk, surrounded by papers and books, holding a sign over her face that says "Help," illustrating the struggles with overachievement.

Balancing Ambition and Well-Being: How Therapy Can Help Overachievers Thrive

How Therapy Can Help Overachievers Find Balance I wonder if this sounds like you. You are a high achiever, driven, and goal-directed. You strive to be the best that you can be, your ambition is off the charts, and you are constantly moving towards success. But lately, it seems as if everything feels so heavy

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