

Leah Levenson, Psyd

Dr. Leah Levenson

Licensed Psychologist

Therapist in Charlotte, NC & online throughout North Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, and the Psypact states

Let's get real about what's going on so you can see real results.

Your life looks like a whirlwind

You have a ton of things on your plate and you’re trying to keep all of the plates spinning.  People count on you and you have high expectations about being able to handle it all.  Lately you’ve felt frustrated and you have been asking yourself…

  • Why do I feel so stressed or worried all the time?
  • Why is it so hard to be a parent right now?
  • Why doesn’t anyone else seem to care about what’s going on?
  • Why don’t things seem to be getting better?

You’re ready for things to change for the better, And preferably it would have happened yesterday.

Hi, I’m Leah

I help hardworking teens and adults
to be less hard on themselves

If you’re ready to feel better, I’m here to help.  Let’s get real about what’s going on so you can get real results. 

I get it. Sh*t gets messy.  I can help you to find ways to cut through the chaos of life so that you can take back control of your life.  I know what it’s like to be tough on yourself and that it’s a one-way ticket to exhaustion & overwhelm.  You’re a bad*ss who’s blinded by your own high standards.  Let me help you slow down so that you can live with less stress.  You deserve to celebrate your hard-earned successes and be truly present for the good things in life.

Join me for therapy that is practical, honest, & real.

My Approach to Therapy

I'm not the smile & nod kind of therapist

I am…

Extremely Practical

You’re coming to therapy for a reason.   You’re hoping to see change.  I’m here to help you set small, attainable goals and actually meet them. We  will celebrate the small things as we work towards the bigger things.  I’m highly focused on helping you find solutions to whatever is happening in your life that led you to therapy.

Well versed in Evidence-Based Therapies

I draw from a variety of therapy methods to create an approach that is best suited to where you are right now.  Primarily, I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, and Solution-Focused Therapy, but I can pull from other approaches as needed as well.


 I believe in the power of connection.  Sometimes just feeling like you’re not alone or “crazy” can make a huge difference. There are no topics that scare me and I will talk about anything. I am a ‘what-you-see-is what-you-get kind of girl. I don’t put on a show in therapy. I interact the same in session as I do at home or while having tea with a friend. 

A Doctor, but not a pompous one

You can call me Leah.  Our conversations will be very natural. I do my best to show up real and authentic. I’m definitely not a “know it all.” If you think I’m wrong or something I suggested didn’t work, I want you to feel comfortable to bring it up and let’s talk about it!

A Teacher & I promise that you’ll learn something new 

I never want you to do something just because someone “recommended” it.  I want you to truly understand how the brain works and how to calm your body down when things get tough.  I can help you build skills that you may never have had the opportunity to fully develop. Things like relaxation techniques, sleep hygiene, and how to change behaviors for example.  Let’s look at what’s already working for you and then we can build on it, enhance it, and channel it more effectively.

A Firm Believer in the Common Sense 

What we eat, how much we sleep, and health issues all impact the ways that we think and feel.  Let’s take those pieces of the puzzle into consideration.  If you believe you may be dealing with a mental health disorder, there could possibly be a medical explanation that needs to be addressed which could improve your health and emotional wellbeing.  So if you haven’t had a physical in a while, that may be a good place to start.

I’m here to help you move in the right direction

Am I the right therapist for you?

Are you looking for a therapist who…

  • Is real, transparent, & down-to-earth
  • Not super touchy-feely (unless the moment calls for it) 
  • Takes an active role in the session so the conversation flows back & forth
  • Isn’t afraid to say that sometimes life, parenting, and relationships can SUCK
  • Likes to laugh and believes humor is an important part of the process


I often compare people to fancy houseplants…

We need food, water, sleep, a little sunlight, and exercise. Sometimes it’s just as simple as that.

I’m pretty calm and laid back. 

There really isn’t a whole lot that ruffles my feathers and I don’t get embarrassed easily in session.  I love to laugh in session and be light-hearted or sarcastic when the moment calls for it.

I am  experienced working with service members and their families

After 5  years working at a Naval base and a year and a half on an Air Force base, I know the pressures and demands that active duty members and their dependents face. Serving in the military is not for the faint of heart and you deserve someone in your corner who understands what you face (and what you sacrifice) everyday. Having someone who knows/understands most of the acronyms doesn’t hurt either.  

I always have a full Yeti of water, that I drink from a straw  throughout the session.

I encourage others to eat or drink as needed as well. And, since I’m always freezing, you can bet that my big fluffy blanket will be in my lap. I want people to feel permission to tend to their needs, so I will model tending to my own as well. 

I’m actually an introvert

Like, really, introverted.  When you meet me, you’ll never believe it, but I promise it’s true. I joke all of the time that when I was in high school nobody even knew that I had blue eyes, because I was always looking down.  I was that shy! So I understand that talking to a new person can be intimidating or scary, especially when you’re talking about your personal life.  I get it.  Taking  the first step and looking for a therapist is super brave.  See, you ARE a badass!

Things you’ll hear me say in session…

 How the hell ?!

is definitely a more common phrase for me then I would like, but it is just a natural part of my speech. Because you don’t go to therapy when things in life are going as expected!

That sucks!

Is something that jumps out of my mouth all the time.  I won’t hesitate to express how I feel and to let you know when something sounds really tough or even terrible. 

So, how’s that working for ya?

I say this with a bit of love, some tongue in cheek,  and a lot of sarcasm.  Usually when we have been meeting for a while, people will tell me things that obviously did not work out and they learned an important lesson.  So we can joke about it together and of course, learn from the moment for the future.

At the end of the day…

What You See is What You Get

I am the same person in session as I am outside of session. I don’t put on heirs and I’m not impressed with myself just because I went to school forever and a day. I don’t have to talk to people all day for a living, I get to talk to people all day for a living and I actually enjoy it.. 

I am not an expert on you.  You are the expert on yourself.  I am here to help enhance, not change, dictate, or demand. I try really hard to meet people where they are and give a nudge as needed.  I’d love to help you get where you want to go.

Licenses & Education

  • 2004 Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology – Nova Southeastern University
  • 2001 MS in Clinical Psychology – Nova Southeastern University
  • 1999 BS in Psychology – Florida State University
  • 2020 Postpartum Support International Training for Maternal Mental Health
  • 2022 APPIT Approved for PSYPACT (Mobility #115544)
  • 2022 NC Licensed Psychologist (6127)
  • 2021 FL Licensed Psychologist (PY11009)
  • 2007 MS Licensed Psychologist (47-813)

Are you ready?